Update on the book...

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
It came!
Its wonderful!
I shall digest it in bed tonight with my Horlicks (books can be so dry).
  • The Brown Sparrow cardigan is going great guns... The back is complete, one front is done and I am racing up the other, all this despite the fact that I completely forgot to do the colourwork band on the front and had to unpick a great deal of knitting... Grrrr... I mean, I ask you, fancy forgetting the colourwork????
  • I have started drafting a pattern for this cardigan to share with you all. Ive improvised the design rather a lot so its taking some jotting down.
  • Ive put a little link at the side with a pattern list to share.
  • I am finally updating my Ravelry account on Fairysteps knits.
  • Ive put a new header up with Fairysteps as the name, I think it sort of makes it easier if Im one name in Bloggy virtual land...
  • Ive got 20 followers, can you believe it!! Thank you everyone for being interested in my woolly ramblings x

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