Going batty...

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
We have lots of bats patrolling the woods in Fairysteps land...
Big and small... This little dear isnt the smallest...
Ears you could fly across the oceans with were tucked delicately behind her wings...
A fuzzy image... but you can see the Gremlin like resemblance...
A small foot clung to my Fathers hand...
The ears look like they may have been made of parchment...
I think this is a Long Eared Brown Bat, but if I am wrong please let me know!

My Father has always brought me natural treasures to marvel at. It occurs to me how lucky that I have been to witness his findings, and how lucky my own offspring have been that their own Daddy does the same for them... baby rabbits no bigger than apples, toads of every warty description you could think of, dormice, birds, bugs, bees and even on one rare occasion a beautiful Goshawk... now theres a story!

Ren x


  1. My hubby does the same...frogs and geckos and lizards...for the kids and I to look at...then lets them go where Flynn the Fruit Loop dog can't find them!

  2. Ohh isnt he the most beautiful little creature?! Precious!! Your father it looks to be quite precious too Ren...oxo

  3. Wow! thanks for sharing this candid view. There are oodles at our house too but we never get to cuddle. (that's okay) Ali xx

  4. There lovely, quite beautiful but dare I say it a little ugly as well......

  5. Ahhh, I love bats--quite timely for the upcoming Hallow's Eve. Where did this little guy come from, I wonder?

  6. Oooh! I'm a licensed bat worker so I handle bats all the time, but I love long-eared's! They're my favourites, I only normally see Pipistrelle species bats. I'm not entirely sure of the distributions down south, but there are also grey long-eared bats down there. Wouldn't be able to tell you right now though as I've only trained up here in Scotland and we have a lot less species of bats than you! So cute! :) x
