LOVE blanket 2 completed...

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
At last... and boy was I pleased to finish this project!!!
It seemed so long ago that I was at this stage...

Eldest was very, very, I love you Mumma, pleased with it!

And remember this naughty, I shouldnt have started it blanket?? Well... Ive named her DOT and Im ploughing away with my hook. 6 very large hexagons complete so far and Ive nearly another 5 ready to join in. I love the colourway, its so fresh and fun! The Wendy Mode Aran is like working with butter and works up very quickly. It had mixed reviews on Ravelry. I really like it!!! I feel I need more. I wish they did a nice vintage green...
Ive been so busy making shoes and leathergoods for my Etsy shop that I havent had time to knit for my woolly etsy shop. I rather beginning to think that maybe I should stick to selling one thing only. Leather for a living, wool for a hobby? Fact is that Im getting addicted to making blankets! A house that sits beneath cold damp English Winter skies can never have too many blankets!

Can they??
Wishing all a woolly weekend! Ren x

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