Iced decorating...

Wednesday, 8 December 2010
No, its not snow, just ever so white, many layered fingers of frost...
For the first time in... I cant remember because we may be talking years... I took the whole weekend off from Fairysteps. Shock, splutter, horror!!!!
It felt soooo good that Ive decided I need to do this every week. I think maybe my batteries arent holding their charge quite so well anymore, especially since 'the shoulder' escapade. Funnily enough, it gave me more energy to complete somethings that have been waiting for quite a while! I bet that rings bells!!
And on Monday morning with 11 pairs of shoes in various stages of incompleteness I was more able to plough on with my work.
This side of the kitchens end wall had its final coat of ivory paint...
And the other side was cleared, cleaned and double coated. It feels so nice to have finally finished something I started in September. I also finished parts of the kitchen ceiling (middlest helped here and declared she will not be painting her house at all)... I top coated 3 door frames too. I made 2 Christmas presents and cleaned the house ready for decorations. All of the children mucked in which was a great help.
This weekend I plan on painting the new airing cupboard pea green, as previously planned ages ago. Its a good colour for Christmas too! On Sunday I am going to re vamp an armchair for Mr Fairysteps Christmas present. Its a Parker knoll winged armchair from about the 1950's I should think. Bought for £5 at the local dump. Covered in hideous brown fabric and with the cushion pad missing. But armed with a pair of old curtains bought at a Chagford jumble sale 2 years ago (again at least 1950 I think and very good quality Sanderson linen) I plan to transform it. Its a real cottage style armchair which I think must have had a valance. Never tailored this type of chair before so its going to be a pleasent challenge for me. I shall of course document it in pictures to share on the blog!!

All of my custom shoe orders are all but complete and will be ready to post on Friday. Just intime for guaranteed International delivery before Christmas. Talk about cutting it fine!!!

Pictures soon x

1 comment

  1. ohhh your kitchen is lovely! i have a fondness for open shelves :)
    hope your shoulder is feeling better now.
