Of Sunday chutney and baskets...

Monday 27 August 2012

Sunday saw me wielding my favourite kitchen knife...

Take a nice big trug of runner beans...

Patiently prepare them at the kitchen table... Eldest, who incidentally piles green bean chutney onto bread like its some sort of lego building block that needs to reach the ceiling, helped prepare ALL of the eye watering onions for this batch, and he helped picked the beans! No mean feat for an 18 year old who would rather be in his shed... I was a most grateful Mother...

Marvel at the wonderful sight of over a gallon of green bean chutney in the pan... think how many hundreds of cheese and chutney sandwiches this will produce... Then remember that actually this is probably only the first of 3 batches I will need to make...

Tip afore said liquid gold into clean jars ready for the pantry cupboard... 20 jars... not bad.

Noticed that my filling funnel had a golden sun on it when Id finished ladling...

Still had time to rescue my poor laundry basket. Been waiting for a combination of time and dry weather to paint this! It gets so damp in the bathroom, which then causes mould... not nice! I do rather like my wicker, but it does not like damp! Had a bright idea that I could use some red paint from the shed to seal it and save it! So chuffed!!! My bathroom is buttercup yellow with deep peacock blue on the paintwork and a turquoise floor so you can imagine how yummy this looks in there. Always good to reuse too...

The holiday preparations continue in earnest. Littlest has started packing a big suitcase she found in the attic... not sure how many months she is going for! Lists are being made and help with the animals being enlisted. What a job! BUT very worth it! We are so excited! Mr F discovered that this rather exciting event is on while we are just 10 miles away! 
We will of course be going, and Eldest is up in his shed building a wood steamer to make a belly board as I type! What fun!

In the workshop:
Ive spent an entire day packing orders and am chuffed to bits that some of them were only placed 19 days ago! Thats pretty good going! We have been working our socks off at Fairysteps HQ ready for the big break which begins on Thursday.
The last orders to be completed before we leave have been posted on the facebook page this morning, but another pile is in the making and will be completed on our return very soon after the 10th September. These include some rather special custom MOONSHINEs, cant wait to share those!
New stock shoes will be finished this week though and listed in the shop before we leave. Various sizes and styles.

Thats all for now folks! Im off to do a spot of hookering as my quarters blanket nears completion...

Ren x

1 comment

  1. I see your making and doing has rubbed off on all your children! :) I'd love to see a picture of your colourful bathroom, the wicker basket looks great!
    Have a lovely holiday.
    Jess x x
