Summer came... after all...

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Images taken... around the Fairy Shoemakers home... and on an outing to the seaside...
What a week! The sun finally came out, and alas, now it has gone again. BUT we did feel Summer for a whole week! It was bliss.

And the next post will be full of leathery goodness for you all to feast your eyes on...

Ren x


  1. What lovely pictures! I'm sure that Summer will decide to stay a bit longer soon :)

  2. Gorgeous photos Ren, is that Torquay I see in one of them? By the way, I thought you had the same camera as me, why don't my close-ups look like that!? ;)
    Jess x x

  3. Dear Ren,

    That first picture is amazingly beautiful isn't it? I am going to be ordering a second pair of shoes (in yellow, I think) for Autumn from you very, very soon.

    I have been very busy stitching (and selling) garden-inspired hares these past few weeks. I think you have given me some wonderful inspiration to make a collection of Autumn Hares inspired partly by Fairystep shoes.

    What a heavenly thought;-)

