Tinternet and hatchings...

Saturday 29 September 2012

More orders completed and sent... HOLLY in Jade, alas all gone now!

MOTH in pansy and Jade, heading off to a Medieval castle for a wedding... Lucky boots...

Pretty, pretty HOMILYs in wild oak...

And TULIPs which were an order, but a very silly, numpty shoemaker didnt read her own notes... so she made a round toe, and not a Imp toe as requested by the lovely customer! Am currently making a new pair with the Imp toe, so these are going into stock. Lovely arent they!

And on the Internet front... hell continues here in Fairysteps Land with about 30 minutes connection if you are lucky! Apparently BT have narrowed the fault down to 3 mile stretch... so two men are arriving next week sometime to look for the needle in the haystack. Peace and heaven will then restored... Amen.

Have a wonderful weekend all, Im off to do a spot of knitting, Ive got a sleeve to finish!

Ren x

1 comment

  1. Oh your work is JUST DIVINE. Well done. You are truly a seasoned artisan and I am so happy for you! Anita
