A woolly give away...

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Now for the promised giveaway! A beautiful brand new book for someone lucky! Always hard to choose a prize for a draw but when I saw this beauty by the talented Carol Meldrum I knew it was the right one to buy. To enter the draw simply do any of the following... follow the blog, like the facebook page 

 and leave a comment. One lucky name will be drawn out of the hat next weekend... Offer open to UK residents only Im afraid due to postage costs! Good luck everyone! Ren x

A peek inside to tempt you.. x


  1. May I enter? I just love your site and would LOVE this! Anita

  2. Love your blog, please, please enter me for the prize draw, my 10 year old daughter is crochet crazy, just have to get her how to teach me!
