February so far...

Tuesday 12 February 2013

My good friend had a birthday and I made her a cake...

This was quite magical, and its not going to be easy to see this clearly so look closely... We watched a herd of deer fly along the skyline... you can just see them there on either side of the telegraph pole, the last deer was pure white and you can see her at the back there. Ive seen her a lot lately, always behind the others...

And after all of the rain the lambs fleeces are looking so white and soft. With a pan of sheep nuts on the floor we witnessed the usual woolly scrum, heads down and bottoms up! I had a strong desire to spin them... on the spot...

Albert looking gorgeous...

And Littlest's new lamb, called Gypsy (full name Romona, or Roamy), aptly named because we have already lost her once! NOW... theres a fleece I am spinning for certain!

In the workshop...
  • Ive been so busy, theres almost sparks coming off me!
  • But I am catching up which feels very good indeed!
  • Ive been replanning my workshop, and have decided that moving into a bigger one just isnt going to be practical. Mainly because I really dont want to freeze to death out there in the Winter, and running another fire is not going to be possible. Plus after thinking it over... and doing a little planning and plotting, I think I can make more room in here. Ive ordered some new storage from Ikea to hopefully tidy things up. It will be sent on the 20th so major hopping up and downing till then!

In the home...
  • Rotten head yesterday with a migraine that will not shift. Hope for peace tomorrow!
  • Finished my pullyover and sold it!
  • Started another jumper in double knit merino. Random stripes to use up already started balls in my knitting bag. Not too sure about it, one of those...
  • Bought myself some new clothes in the Seasalt sale... most happy and spoilt, and guilty all at the same time!
  • Booked a holiday on the coast in Cornwall for first week in May. Havent booked the Sun but am hoping it will turn up...

Well now... I do believe its time for bed and a date with my hotty wotty botty, and a pillow!

Till next time, Ren x


  1. Hello!
    Hope sore head has now gone!
    L & I saw deer driving back fom Bovey on Sat, occasionally get the in the garden. I Love the new boots-luckily I have slim feet ;) Your sheeps (L calls them that!) are cool! I love looking at our Alpaca fleece. Best get working! Jo x

  2. Ren, you are just lovely. My trusty hot water bottle (and sometimes two if its really really cold)shall be a hotty wotty botty from hereon in.x

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog. That cake is so beautiful!! What a lucky friend. Hope you are having a great day.


  4. I'm a new discoverer of Seasalt. I had no idea how lovely the clothes were until a recent trip to St Ives took me into one of their shops for the first time. It was quite pricey and I've only just spoilt myself with some things from Boden so I'll have to wait ahile until I feel I deserve it again (and have more pennies!)
    I hope your migraine has gone by the time you read this.xx
