Workshop makeover...

Saturday 16 March 2013

I decided recently that the time had come to tackle my 'Cripes, Im getting squished in here' workshop.

I made the decision to scale down the table and reposition everything, including my sewing machines. Proper storage was a must, so I had lots of fun sorting out an online order with Ikea! That was the fun bit!

By Friday I had completely lost the plot... and ended up telephoning best friend to for heavens sakes come up and tell me what to do next! It was that bad... we've all been there haven't we!

She insisted the table had to move, and it turned out she was right! Quick cup of tea and I was back on track with the sorting. Mr F removed the table extension, which I was a little apprehensive about, but it turned out OK having a smaller table to work on. I'm sure that the larger table made me messier, and encouraged procrastination... I would often shove everything up one end and start something I shouldn't be doing!

I was in the middle of producing a batch of MEG bags which wasn't ideal. I should really have finished them first.

Table before shifting...

My old Greenpeace poster which hung on my bedroom wall as a teenager was framed and took pride of place.

My new Billy bookcase getting filled up... hiding behind Reginald Pffaf...

£1.70 plastic tray for the table 'bits'...

Trofast boxes fitted under the shelf a treat...


I can sit and sew in light now! A couple of white blinds to diffuse the sunlight (just in case we get a Summer...) and I'm all set! Doesn't it feel good to clean up! Spring must be in the air after all.

Ren x


  1. Absolutely inspirational! Now where's me catalogue?

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so impressed,inspiring indeed. I think my book making workshops are just about to take off, pass the catalogues round!

  3. Complimenti! Il tuo laboratorio è fantstico!!!!! Ti seguo sempre! A presto Sammy

  4. It looks so neat and organised. I'll bet you couldn't wait to get back at that table in its new place! :) I loved your interview, I am in more awe than ever now.xx

  5. Excellent! I can smell those lovely jewel leathers from here! :)I feel a new pr of shoes coming on!
