Seaside adventures...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

What a time we had in Cornwall!

Much ponderings...

Much rock pooling...

Many crabs...

Lots of sitting on bottoms...


Views with cups of tea...

Many spreading of tables...

And cliff footpaths...

Harbours aplenty...

Other creatures homes were spotted...

Old beam engine houses explored (Cornwall is pickled with them, relics of the mining industry)...

Floaty boaties were used...

HUGE sandcastles were built...

Driftwood gathered...

Noses were burnt...

Godolphin was visited...

Its treasures Oooed over...

Its carvings scrutinzed...

The path up to our cottage was trodden umpteen times...

Llanhydrock was visited... and a hundred treasures photographed...

And look what I spotted in long gallery on the bottom shelf. It stood at least 18" tall, all beautifully bound and  crying out to be opened... but alas, I knew I wasnt allowed, so I didnt. I adore old books! I could have moved in there for at least two years and sat and read them all!

AND I am ashamed to say... that my knitting bag was a disaster! I carried on knitting up to approx armhole shaping place and looked for my pattern to see how much to cast off...
NO pattern...
Pattern was at home in the sitting room, in Devon...
I was in Cornwall...
I despaired...
I then re-assessed the whole cardigan. Little thoughts crept in like do I need another cardigan? Do I really like this colourway? And most of all... its only Sunday and I wont be able to play with wool all week, and how will I survive???

So... I unpicked the whole lot, wound up the wool, dug out my crochet hook from the bottom of the bag and started another blanket!

Its good to be home, and we came home to the long awaited Spring green with blossoms and sunshine. A real treat. Now its down to a HUGE amount of tail chasing to get orders finished. Good to be busy!

Ren x


  1. Hurrah, looks like you had a FAB time :) Lovely pics x

  2. Looks fab fun welcome back.

  3. ...such super way awesome picturebox muses! ~ loooooooooooooved every one of them! ~ thankyoU! sO much for this amazing share! ~ blessed be!...(O:

  4. It looks like you all had some much needed time off and lots of fun together! Thankyou for sharing some little glimpses into your time away. :) Unpicking a cardigan so you can still play? Hmmm..I think your yarn addiction has taken hold. I relate totally!xx

  5. Most impressed by your solution to the forgotten pattern problem!
