Yearning for 'normal'...

Saturday 12 October 2013

Its been mad in my world for so long now that I am beginning to loose track of what normal is, or ever was. Photoshoots, work, Summer, work, house repairs, Birthdays, more work… its all beginning to turn into a blur. I yearn for peace and quiet and space and weekends… O to have a whole weekend off!

Its behind me. All the madness now, and ahead is lots of work, but I can do work, its all the other stuff Im no good at. The rushing, the talking, the meeting, the travelling, the time keeping, the appointments, the maybe’s, the expectations. But… its behind me!

Next week I can start again, and the only big thing that lies ahead now is Christmas / Yuletide. And thats a good thing!

Weekends will lie open now, with time to knit and crochet and unwind. To light the fires and withdraw, to relax after good days of graft in the workshop.


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