Musings on the end of a year...

Friday 27 December 2013

I dont think Ive sat and written a proper ramble on the tippy tapper for monthes and monthes… which sayes quite alot about how very busy and mad life has been! It feels good to write and lay down plans. To clear a path through the bramble thicket of daily life. To reach for new dreams and aspirations!

I LOVE the NEW YEAR!!! It is without doubt my most favourite time of year. Its all ahead, all to look forward to, all that potential sat there waiting to unfold in a glorious pile of seasons.

I am changing jobs in 2014… Im starting a new job, doing the same thing, but in a different way. I am so excited about this that its getting very difficult to stop myself from starting work. Im so pleased to have such a keen employee, it makes all the difference you know, even if I am the boss too!

Ive been making plans in my head. Rows of boots are marching past the back of my eyelids every night now… waiting to be made. Its odd too because Im seeing exquisite fairy costumes with the boots! And in my minds eye they are perfect matches together. Im going to make the boots as I imagine them and trust to the stars that their owners will find them! It usually works! Im a great believer in Lady Fate, and have reminded my own children many times to never underestimate how much she hears!

There will be a couple of magazine features in 2014 which will make me dizzy with excitement! Looking forward to sharing those when the time comes. I will be nervous at the same time too, not ever really being very comfortable with being in the front.

With good fortune, I have a year ahead of snipping and sewing. What more could I possibly ask for x

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