Wander's full makeover...

Sunday 27 April 2014

O my goodness… and about time too!

Time to share the restoration of ‘Wander’, our 1979 Mini Winnebago campervan. How on earth Mr Fairysteps has managed this far is anyones guess. As per all of the restoration projects, (and I’m guessing this happens to everyone) the more he did, the more there was to do!

Its been a long process, mainly with him peeling off the roof (it looked like a giant sardine tin for a while) and needing to replace the whole thing with new sheets of aluminium. Luckily, he is an engineer and a handy chap so he has been able to do it himself. I'm not sure he would choose the word lucky though :)

No roof at all in this picture...

Ive done very little apart from a bit of painting of the top coat inside (Farrow & Ball, Hay, eggshell) because of my operation. I have been making blankets though! plus I am recovering the cushions throughout as they are currently a floral patterned, dralon polyester pink… nice! Im going to cheat and use cotton jersey and sew it on the overlocker. Stretchy covers will be so much quicker to make.

WHY did they always make the interiors of these things in dark brown wood with beige or gold fittings????? Not only is it really dark and dreary, but, well, just but. Hideous. I am always in awe of what several coats of cheerful paint can do.

There is still much to do, but we hope to have her finished for seaside trips this Summer. Watch this space for more pictures as she reaches completion.

What fun!


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