Blanketing again…

Saturday 29 November 2014

The latest blanket is nearing completion. Once a thousand ends have been neatly sewn away, and the border completed, it will be finished. And my lap will lie empty once again. I really don’t like an empty lap…

I am tempted to continue with a blanket I started several months back with teeny little squares. But, only tempted because I need to accept that the ‘blanket problem’ is escalating here at home in Fairysteps land… Ive made so many… Once my Children have proper homes of their own I can start filling their houses with blankets so there is an excuse to make more at least :)

But, having popped on my ‘woolly head’ (worzel style) I have concluded that I need a break from the hook + yarn combination and need to pick up my needles again. I rather like mixing up my own yarn weights (this wreckless disregard comes from being a Spinner…) so enjoy working various strands of different weights into a project. I did this once on a chunky jumper where I kept one thin strand continuos throughout, and coupled it with a thicker yarn which I changed every few inches. The resulting jumper is a Winter favourite for me. So I think I shall use my pattern below that I made this jumper with 2 years ago now and apply the same colour treatment.

Its a lovely relaxed fit. I fancy cropping it and adding a bobbled hem for fun. Well, thats it then, the next project begins and the weekend evenings are sorted.

Fire + Cranford + Knitting needles + Yarn + Tea = Heaven…

Have a wonderful one, Ren x

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