
Friday, 22 February 2019

Its been a while since Ive written a post so apologies for the long time away.
Lets drop right back in with a round up some recent makes... Lots of Clara's on the order books recently so had to share the 'rear' view of these glorious peacock blue ones. Gosh I love blue so much. Its the colour of sky and water, life essentials, maybe that's why Im drawn to it so much as I get older?

And green, there's another life essential... Holly in zest. Possibly my last of this leather as I plan on keeping some of the remainder for some bags. I have an itch to make some cross body Meg bags soon, time permitting.

I havent blogged about my latest new style have I... please meed Pod. Rather fine even if I say so myself ;) Im so chuffed to bits with how this turned out. Named after Pod, Arriettys father in one of my favourite books, The Borrowers, by Mary Norton. Pod is a seamless delight for your feet. Ive been holding off choosing a colour for myself while I gave it some thought. They will be my new walking shoes for several years to come so I wanted to make sure I picked a universal colour scheme for my current wardrobe. I wear so much dark blue and black and grey now that I feel inkwell is my best choice. Its also super soft leather. A little brown wren for me.

Willo continues to be our best seller of the winter so far. There is a quite a following for this little boot and its so much fun for me seeing what exciting colours you choose. Im probably as excited as you are when you order!

These plum and chocolate and mermaid with 'ragglebloom' additions were particularly pretty. Very different, but subtle all at the same time.

I even squeezed in 2 stock pairs of shoes with the new chestnut leather. What a colour!

One pair of Kitty and one of Binky. Havent made any for so long. Im thinking of resurrecting one of them for more regular appearances. So far, Im more drawn to Binky.

And finally, something lovely from Faerysteps Land to share with you all...

I found this stunning lichen on a ramble down through the oak woods earlier today. Gosh, it was so pretty. The softest blue tinged grey... Mother nature is so clever isnt she.

Time for a late tea for me, feet up with the teapot for an hour, then an early night. Saturday tomorrow but heaps to do. Have a good weekend all, Ren x

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