Did I mention the hair?

Monday, 10 May 2010
No ones interested really but Im going to write about it anyway...

How long is it since 'the perm'? About 3 weeks maybe.

Things arent going well up top, decidedly bad actually... Instead of the stampede of sleek catipillars that my curls initially resembled, I now have holidaying slugs wearing jumpers up there. It looks good for 1 day after washing and then is dull, lifeless and grim. My poor scalp looks like Siberia and is itching like theres no tommorow. Plus to top it all Im thinking to myself why on earth did I go for all this chemical treatment malarky anyway, and I should have given the money to Unicef. Its all totally depressing and Im shaving my head tommorow...

Just joking, Im doing it tonight.

Nearly had you there didnt I! I HAVE left a message on the nice home hairdresser ladies answer phone though begging for an appointment, and I AM getting as much cut off as possible, and I AM never laughing at Mother nature again.

Its been sort of weird because since its been 'done', everytime I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a mirror or a window, I see someone I dont know and its becoming unsettling in an unsettling kind of way...

Like the wise Oscar Wilde quote, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken".


  1. Oh Ren! I am so sorry you are regretting the new do. I did not realize it was a 'perm'. It was a fab picture but alas some styles go blah too quick. All this to say that your descriptions were so fun and clever that I loved reading this post (as usual) but again, am sorry because you are disappointed at your end and I do care...best of luck, hugs and happy locks very soon! Alinexx

  2. I had a perm not long ago- never again! I came out looking like a pre-raphelite maid with a fork in the toaster, and less like the Bottecelli Venus- which is what I wanted. It's been about 4 months now and it's finally settled. perms are bad.

  3. oh dear, i'm so sorry its not turned out. i had a very minor perm a couple of years ago and it was dreadful, i'm never doing it again, in fact i even made the decision never to dye my hair again, natural is good! x

  4. Hi Ren, speaking for myself I am interested in hair and the everlasting question of what to do with it. (Bit like web-sites!) I envy people who stick with the same hairstyle all their adult lives and seem content. Not me. my hair is longish and I've spent most of my life wanting it long then deciding in a moment of 'inspiration' it ought to be shorter. Then I regret it...and so on....
    I have however been dyeing it off and on since I was 15, (being an english mouse)and again, have the perpetual "shall I go darker or lighter" question. I've done the perm thing and regretted it so much it scared me from ever doing that again. After that episode, I appreciate the feel of my hair more now BUT it's drier than I want it because of the dye. I should dye it back to its natural colour and leave it alone. I should but from past experience I know I won't!
    I don't know whether you've had it cut yet but you could buy some products to make it sleeker while it gradually grows out? :) xx

  5. Or, you can by straightening solution - just like perming but you comb it straight while it's working - more chemicals though

  6. I'm sorry you're having probs with the hair Ren. If you decide not to cut it, I learned a few hairdressing tricks on a beauty course a good few years ago. After a perm the scalp tightens, which is why it's itchy and flaky. Massage scalp with a couple of handfuls of warm olive oil kneading the skin gently like dough. Wrap head in clingfilm or a plastic bag and leave for an hour. Rub a little neat shampoo into the hair to remove the oil and then wash gently. This might be a good idea if you have it cut, too, as your scalp must be feeling in need of some tlc! Best of luck.x
