Something to share...

Wednesday, 18 August 2010
What a beauty... hot off the fairysteps sewing table and already on its way to Australia!
Made in my favourite chocolate grained leather. I must make more of this style as it turned out rather well.

Home tommorow and by gum I need it! Not only was I in hospital for one loved one today but also ended up across at accident and emergency with middle tiddlywink who has sliced her hand open on the sharp rock which we have on our land, its like flint and cuts like razors. And by sliced I really do mean horribly gashed... Being utterly useless and quite frankly knackered, I went green and passed out during the 'poke around with a needle' investigation bit. The doctor then had to prop me up to prevent me from cracking head on the floor, and my daughter who was hyperventilating in the chair next to me....

What a family!!!!!!!! Phew!

So, now Im home till Friday. And I sent off a big bag of orders this morning so feel quite relieved, and Ive got more cream wool to finish little ones LOVE blanket. Ive got 2 squares and a border to go and its complete. Always a nice feeling to get to the end of an adventure. Im having far too many adventures lately though!

And now for some BIG thank you's!
Thank you Julie from The Peaceful Peacock who sent me a very timely gift! A reuseable tea bag for lemon balm tea moments to calm frayed nerves. What an incredibly clever idea, and how generous. If you want your own to cherish then visit Julies website by following the link above. This rather pretty image was copied from the site and its a visual treat as well as a place to buy some truly unique treasures...
Thank you Rebecca for this precious little man who arrived so carefully bundled. Its so lovingly made I was nearly in tears! I shall keep him at my workbench to help with making woodzie shoes and bags. He looks like he might be skilled in this area...

Thank you...
to everyone who has sent so many kind words through their keyboards. Words probably arent enough to express my thanks...

Ren x


  1. Dear Ren,

    I don't do blood either and daughter is constantly slicing open her toes where she insists on always being barefoot (get that from me, the barefoot, not the toes!). Well done with the blanket, mine will take another year, I fear!

    love and hugs to you all, holding your hand from afar.x

  2. Dear Ren,
    I think YOU need a holiday my dear. I'm sure everyone will understand if orders have to put on hold for a bit, it will just make your lovely things even more lovely in the sweet anticipation of their arrival. As people have been telling me in recent days, you need to look after YOURSELF first, so you can look after everyone else. You probably only fainted through sheer exhaustion and worry...take care of yourself!

    Sending hugs and wishes for everyone to get better soon,
    xxx Christina

  3. P.S. I've just ordered some of those lovely long striped socks. The order can WAIT till next week...sit down, put your feet up, and have one of those lemon balm teas right now!

    xx Christina

  4. Well Ive just came across your Blog and what beautiful things you have! So Im following you and Ive blogged about you! (I make jewellery btw) My husbands from Scotland and when we go *Home to visit it would be wonderful to come round to your shop! Or is it online? Take good care of you and your family..bless you. Your blog is just lovely!
    Kind wishes to you from Janet ox

  5. Just found you thru Singingwoods........what beautiful items you make. Is it terribly difficult to ship to the U.S.???

