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Friday 14 September 2012

Such a wonderful holiday! Home already for a whole week, where did it go?

Eldest settled right in with getting all his fishing gear sorted... and we generally spread across the cottage...

Middlest spent the first 3 days sleeping, cocooned in her duvet... after making sure that she first passed on all available germs to the rest of the family...

I greatly enjoyed repeating "Up the wooden hill" every time I went upstairs!

Our kitchen table for the week...

The all important kitchen sink... spent much time here...

First job was to hang up my aprons... I actually went on holiday in an apron... I was bundled into the van still wearing my apron and a bucket thrust upon my lap as we left. I had just started another migraine the day we left. That was one on Wednesday, Thursday and the Friday! Im still not over them. Blighters! All migraine sufferers will make appreciation noises at this point, aware of the havoc that these unplanned wobblies throw into your lives...

I didnt really take clothes on holiday, just a dress and a jumper and what I was standing in (apart from clean knickers!)... I took two bags of wool instead... like you do... I can live without fresh clothes, I cannot live without a supply of wool!

I finished our 'Quarters' blanket ready for the holiday bed. Its so warm and lovely.

I sat here and worked away with my hook...

Rock pools were explored daily...

We visited the belly boarding championships at Chapel Porth on the Sunday... the only drizzly day.

CLEMMIE went of course...

The beach at Chapel porth on the North coast is vast...

What a bleak spot it must have been...

I wore my new CLARAs... I decided that I needed to test out a brand new pair and take them on holiday, no breaking in, just miles and miles of walking for a week. Can honestly say that they felt like slippers! I was the only one not slipping about on the rocks! They stick like glue to rocks! I was most chuffed indeed!

We must go back one day...

We went back to Mount St Michael... along the causeway when the tide allowed us...

So many treasures in the castle...

Queen Victoria sat in this blue settee...

Then it was another day, another adventure...

The girls and I went to Flambards, a bit of a tacky place but the displays are second to none.

I especially liked the shoe shop displays...

Off on the merry go round and back to the cottage...

It suddenly turned into Summer and we all felt we had actually experienced a whole Summer in that one week.

Mr F and the two eldest were indulging in a spot of rock jumping... see the arrows above. I did not...

Instead Littlest and me collected sea glass and stones and wrote messages on the rocks for the sea to read later when we had gone...

All were impressed by Eden...

We got back to the car to find a six foot giant sploged across the front van seats, fast asleep...

And home we went to Devonshire...


  1. Love the quarters blanket and that wooden drainer is to die for.

  2. What a fantastic holiday, even if there was a bit of illness going around, you certainly made the most of it :) Every picture is wonderful, a lovely way to record your week :)
    Sue Xxx

  3. Love the blog! Poor you for suffering migraines - I used to get them too so I know what it's like. I thought you might be interested to know that honey is an old fashioned remedy which I found worked fabulously. I always found that I needed to lie down in a darkened room for a couple of days and couldn't eat anything or even move without throwing up. But the last really bad one I had (several years ago now) I tried the honey remedy and ended up eating a proper meal within 3-4 hours. Since then I've only had one migraine in the middle of running a craft workshop and was able to carry on teaching by, again, taking honey. What you have to do is take a tablespoon of honey (not easy trust me - very sickly) as soon as the migraine strikes. Then half an hour later, if the symptoms persist, take another tablespoon of honey. Continue in the same vein until the symptoms disappear. The last really bad migraine I had I think I had to take about 4 doses of honey but couldn't believe that after that all I was left with was a bad headache. I was so grateful to the friend that told me about the remedy I just had to share it with you in case it helps you too! (Hope so.) :)

  4. Thank you everyone! It was such fun! And Fee, thank you so much for the honey advice, I feel a Thimbletack episode coming on! I will try that for certain! And its funny, but sugar really does heal bad heads. I manically stuff dolly mixtures if I get a migraine start when Im driving. That sudden sugar hit can sometimes stave it off. But honey is healthier so Im going to pop a jar in the glove box. Thank you x

  5. That's an interesting comment about sugar and migraines. My last whopper left me sightless for a while and after a hot cup of tea with 2 sugars it passed. I prefer the honey idea, it sounds a lot healthier doesn't it?
    I so enjoyed 'visiting' Cornwall with you, your shoes are fantastic, I'd never have thought you could wear them on a beach or rocks, I certainly must add them to my christmas list!
    Jess x x
