The past week...

Sunday 16 September 2012

The sun has rallied... and what a glorious week past we had! The ponies have been brought into the meadow to give it its Autumn haircut...

Late Fledglings are fumbling with inadequate wings...

And barely avoiding being squat by heavy hooves...

Holiday made hats were popped in the shop... in fact my love of making hats has led me to think that maybe in future I will just make only hats. I toyed with giving up my wool shop bits altogether but the need to make hats is just too great... Ive reduced the price to as low as I can go without compromising on the quality yarns that I like to work with. And I dont think that £14 for a quality wool hat is too bad a price! Ive also perfected the bestest slouchiest beret now too... 

Mr F also completed the skeleton of his new barn. This weekend he started putting on the roof! Eldest is giving an intermittent helping hand and Im having kittens that someone is going to fall off! It looks much higher in real life! Pictures are deceiving! The barn is huge and the roof looks to me like its touching the clouds... having my beloved hopping around up there on rafters is not much fun! I took out a cream tea yesterday afternoon to celebrate the first sheets going up which was fun! The doves have returned to coo to Mr F as he beavers away on the edge of their wood... The barn must be sealed before bad weather arrives, so the pressures on...

Mr Fs bees are going bonkers! A final feasting frenzy to gather stores before Winter sets in proper...

And here's the surest sign that its coming...

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