This week past...

Thursday 20 December 2012

After a ramble down the woods Littlest and daddy found the perfect tree, and narnia was brought into the home...

I moved one of the settees in front of the sitting room fire so that I could actually cook my toes properly...

I spent an entire day cleaning, scrubbing, dusting, disenfectanting, de-cobwebbing, de cluttering and sorting our bedroom... plus doing all the ironing that had been sat there for 6 monthes... Nope, Im not kidding, it took me a really long day of hard work!

Toast making spot and fire gazing...

All the precious collections of treasure from down through the years (oldest is over 60 years old) were carefully taken out of their tissue paper and hung on the tree...

My aproned self needed a quick sit down to have a look at the wonders!

My new cardigan had its button bands added and will be complete once Ive picked my buttons. Always nice to complete something!

I made lots of bread...

And a giant brambly apple pie ready for the oven and a tub of clotted cream...

I also made lots of trays of my special olive and seed bread. Sigh... if only you could smell this when its proving...

I cleaned all the shelves in the kitchen ready for festive cooking enmasse this weekend. We plan on making a huge gingerbread house in the shape of home as a table centre piece. Cant wait!

What else did I do this past  6 days?

I finished lots of shoes and boots, taking the outstanding orders down considerably, and enabling me to have a worry free holiday at home... starting tomorrow evening.

I sorted out all of the christmas presents, phew!

I paid my income tax bill, yuk.

I started another new blanket for our bedroom. Its going to have a cream background and be covered in spots of colour. Im aiming to have a huge part of it finished by new year!

Im having more eye tests tomorrow to finally try to get my new glasses sorted. This is the third time. Ive got very odd eyes which get worse every year, possibly because of all the close up work I do sewing. They just dont seem to work together anymore! I have special lenses which balance them out but its a pig of a job getting new glasses! Hopefully after tomorrow I can stop frantically blinking to keep focus when Im sewing!

Well chaps, its off to bed for me now. Shortest day tomorrow, although its been so dark and gloomy I am wondering if it will even get light. Did suggest to Mr F this morning that we have Horlicks instead of tea when we wake up!

Night, night all x


  1. hello! you're a step ahead of me! finished school today, hoping to do a foodie shop tomorrow, and begin cleaning/tidying...then take lily to piano lesson.

  2. I don't know how you do it! Taking vitamines, I'm sure! So magical and beautiful is your house!

    Hope you get the glasses sorted and I am sorry about your eyes, you do, indeed, do amazing work with those eyes!

  3. it's a pleasure to read your blog,watch your shoes,and your way of life . it really carries me to magical way of life where fayries and animals of the forest live in harmony. thank you very much and happy christmas

  4. ..Your home looks super mega cosy....and i think i can smell that bread from here.....have a wonderful Christmas.
    Pixie x

  5. Wow!
    Your home looks really cozy and inviting.x

  6. I enjoy seeing the coziness of your home..made me miss the New Forest dreadfully!!
