The last blanket of 2012...

Friday 28 December 2012

Ive had a lovely time with this one! Ive been busy with Christmas telly of an evening and a pile of Aran yarns... Actually I only watch telly so I can play with wool!

I am halfway through already and the blanket is only about 4 days old! Im going to finish the centre block and then work about 3 rows of ivory edging, followed by several alternate rows of single colour / ivory till its the right size. Its so pretty, I will be making another! Next time I am working the spot borders as alternate black and white, like a chess board. I can see it in my minds eye... a bit like snakes and ladders. I may even pop a ladder and a snake on it somewhere!

The gingerbread house turned out beautifully. Apart from making one of the batchs of gingerbread, Littlest made it all by herself!

The detail was tremendous, even including guttering and water butts...

Willow wreaths were made on Christmas Eve...

Piles of homemade bread was devoured...

Christmas morning saw some of the family hiding under duvets...

I was spoilt rotten and had a cake stand bought for me by Mr F... perfect tea party centre piece... it will match my cups!

Ooodles of tea to fuel 2013... and a new milk jug from Littlest, especially good for if I become senile, as it clearly sayes MILK on the side, and special golden syrup to add to my collection from Middlest, and homemade tealight holders using special woods by Eldest, and homemade recycled cutlery coat hooks from Mr F... See, very spoilt!

And a feast like no other...

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year ahead full of health, happiness and laughter. Dreams galore, and the energy and courage to carry them through.

Ren x

p.s. I LOVE New Year! Head is spinning with plans, ideas and a thousand boots... x


  1. Hi Ren
    Lovely to have found your blog!

    Sounds as though you've had a beautiful Chrimbo...

    Here's to a lovely 2013!
    Tilly x

  2. Dear Ren,

    I am so glad that I somehow found you on the Internet. Wow, what a joy! I love your blog. Seeing you in your daily life and getting little bits of your life like that is a sweet blessing and gift you offer to your clients. Thank you for your generosity. You’re a breath of fresh air and a delight to read. I really enjoy and I am sure many others do also.

    I am so happy with my recent order. I ordered small things and I do wish to order some boots or shoes, haven’t decided yet which I like the most. Well actually, I like them all, but can’t have them all right! My hubby, the budget man says that since we are Canadians we need to count 60% more than the price you put up when we calculate with the exchange, so I need to take this into consideration of course before ordering!

    I know you bags, purses, boots, shoes all the rest are worth the prices you put up. They are good quality, authentic, originals, and one of a kind. They represent you so well, even though I don’t know you, I can see that you are special and unique just by your creative workmanship. It has come across all the way to Québec Canada…ha ha ha. Now there is a little bit of Ren in Québec.

    Well blessing to you and Mr. F this year ahead and most of all time to be grateful and enjoy the many blessing the Lord gives us daily before we loss them!


  3. Happiest of New Year's Ren! Wow, such a family of love! What wonderful things you've got!

    Ahh,if I'm ever England bound, I must look you up!

    Cheers! Zan :)

  4. i am so in love with
    fairysteps and so happy
    to have finally found
    your blog...happy happy
    new year's wishes...
    xoxo Eden
