A new year...

Sunday 20 January 2013

The 20th of January already and not a single post in the diaries... I had my 43rd birthday. Seen here making the important wish! The girls made me a wonderful birthday tea!

Many fine boots and shoes have been made already and posted out! Mr F and I are really getting into a good routine between us. It feels good to be more organized for work and gives me a sense of order rather than chaos!

Mr Fs barn is still ongoing, but is going well! Next job is doors at both ends, then sorting out an electricity supply. That can be translated as HUGE bill approaching!...

And after dealing with all that muddle in my over filled head I have other news...
Fingers crossed in 2013 Fairysteps will have a new twice the size workshop! Woo Hoo! A dedicated work space that the whole household will not be trudging through, an area clearly divided for very efficient working... with a view to, who knows? Possibly having paid help as we get steadily busier and the business grows. Exciting stuff!

Ive been out mentally chalking up the site planning whats going where, and wondering will I have room for a little tub chair by the fire for tea breaks? And can I fit more leather and wool in?

And we woke to snow! Lots of snow! And its still all out there after 3 days...


Littlest and Daddy made a snowman (Mr Tubby) and a little snowdog!

And now, on this cold and bright Sunday I am heading for my sitting room fire and my knitting! I shall finish my cardigan by sewing on the buttons and then plough on with the blanket...

Have a fun one chaps! Ren x


  1. Hi Ren, good to see you back. I was guessing you were extremely busy and I was right! Quirkwood's a brilliant idea and the new workshop sounds very exciting.
    So the snow's arrived with you too? We've only just got it here but apparently not as far down as Brixham yet. :)
    Keep warm!
    Jess xx

  2. so lovely to have a new post(I check every day!!)happy new year and can I come and work for you?!!

  3. Lovely to hear your plans for the year ahead :)

    Am very much liking the large MEG bag, will keep watch for more of those as and when you decide to treat yourself to a little meg making!

    Rebecca x

  4. Lots of great pics as usual, LOVE those fiery colored boot, and the snow dog is very cute! You've got lots more snow than we have. Still loving my very pretty and comfy shoes, looking forward to better weather so I can wear them more. x

  5. Sounds like it will be a grand 2013! I love my Fairysteps shoes; everyone needs some whimsy in their life (I think). Very glad you will keep offering custom shoes and absolutely will be looking forward to seeing more big bags. Very best wishes --

  6. Happy Birthday! Good luck with your business in 2013 too. Your creativity is amazing. Love the colors that you mix and match, always so beautifully. Enjoy your snow! -Al

  7. Happy Birthday Ren...:)

    The snow look so beautiful. It has been so hot here on this side of the world.

  8. Happy Birthday Ren! Its wonderful to read what you are going to be focused on for the new year. Best Wishes!
