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Friday 25 January 2013
Its raining heavily again so back to struggling with getting outside for natural light... sigh... the weather is a challenge this Winter!

Plus... Ive reduced all hats to £10 and reduced scarves etc in a similar way too. Still time to make use of something woolly!

It has stopped snowing at last! The rain is back now, wet and damp, but at least you can travel around in it and the whole country doesnt grind to a halt! I am so looking forward to Spring though!

Shouldnt be working tomorrow... but I may try to squish a CLEMMIE in that Ive started... Oooo and Ive been making myself a pair of black market, under the counter boots! I always feel so guilty when I ever make myself footwear! Its madness I know!

Had 4th eye test today in town. Hopefully THIS will be the one that works for my poor tired eyes! I don't think I can cope with anymore trips to town! Its far to busy for me and I always come home feeling like Im probably not Human after all...

The fire and my second sleeve is calling now, so cheerio all, and have a good weekend!
Ren x


  1. I've loved catching up with your blog posts Ren :D I'm starting to feel normal again now. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family (I know it's late, haha!)

  2. Hello, I have been following your blog for some time, but I haven't comment before. And I just want to say how beautiful are the things, especially the shoes, you make.
